Ohio DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementODOT's 2022 TAMP reaffirms Ohio's commitment to using technology, collaboration, and aggressive preservation activities to preserve system conditions. Although Federal performance targets are required only for Pavements and Bridges, ODOT also established 2- and 4-year targets for Conduits. ODOT exceeded the Targets established in 2019 TAMP for all the assets.
Publisher: Ohio Department of Transportation
Colorado DOT TAMP 2022 Draft | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementCDOT’s 2022 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) describes Colorado's plan for asset management. CDOT's Transportation Asset Management (TAM) program comprises 12 asset programs. Each program is vital to achieving CDOT's mission of providing the best multimodal transportation system that effectively and safely moves people, goods, and information.
This document is the draft version of CDOT's TAMP (to be certified in 2022).
Publisher: Colorado Department of Transportation
North Dakota DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis document is NDDOT’s federally required Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), developed under the requirements of 23 CFR 515. This TAMP addresses two asset classes, pavements and highway bridges. It further describes the transportation system managed by the NDDOT, the method of managing transportation assets throughout their life cycles, the financial constraints in managing the system, and the processes for managing risk related to the transportation system and services. While federal regulations only require the TAMP to cover the National Highway System (NHS) pavements and bridges, NDDOT has chosen to manage all of its pavements and bridges using the asset management principles documented in this TAMP. The TAMP is developed and managed by NDDOT’s Division of Planning and Asset Management and is updated every four years.
AASHTO Analysis of the National PM Data Set | Presentation
Safety, System PerformanceThis presentation discusses the function of performance management and target setting as a tool for state DOTs as they seek to meet their safety goals. It includes a review of the progress states made toward their safety targets for 2018, 2019 and 2020 using preliminary performance results presented in November 2022.
Download the presentation here.
Virginia DOT Resilience Plan | Plan
Resilience, System PerformanceVirginia DOT has developed a Resilience Plan to formalize a framework for incorporating resilience into transportation planning, project development, delivery, operations, maintenance and asset management. The Plan offers specific strategies built upon broad, goal-based objectives that will support appropriate and scientifically-based options for decision-makers. VDOT is currently working with FHWA to identify potential gaps between the VDOT Resilience Plan and the Resilience Improvement Plan requirements.
Publisher: Virginia Department of Transportation
TPM Newsletter - Fall 2022 | Marketing/Communications
Accessibility, Mobility, Resilience, System PerformanceThe Fall 2022 issue is focused on emerging performance areas, and features the following articles and content:
- Welcome from the AASHTO CPBM Chair
- Next Generation of Performance Management: New Task Force on Emerging Performance Areas
- MassDOT Destination Accessibility Measurement and Application
- Advancing Transportation Equity in Minnesota
- AASHTO Updates
- Writing a 'Good' Risk Statement
- Featured Transportation Research
- Save the Date
- Get Involved in a CPBM Subcommittee or Work Group
Publisher: AASHTO, CPBM, The Transportation Pooled Fund
Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the 2030 Transportation Workforce: Design, Construction, and Maintenance | Guide/Manual
Organizational ManagementThis guide is intended to help agencies develop and maintain a transportation workforce in the areas of design, construction, and maintenance, including processes for analyzing an agency's unique workforce needs.
District of Columbia DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis 2022 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) provides updates to the Transportation Asset Management Plan certified by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in August 2019. This 2022 TAMP includes NHS pavements and bridges, DDOT‐maintained non‐NHS pavements (i.e., local roads and federal‐aid roads), non‐NHS bridges (including pedestrian bridges), tunnels, alleys, and sidewalks. While DDOT has attempted to develop a comprehensive TAMP including other assets, the analysis in this TAMP has been limited to assets which have sufficient data and information. As such, additional assets beyond the NHS pavement and bridges are not to be considered part of the TAMP recertification process.
Connecticut DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementCTDOT's 2022 Highway Transportation Asset Management Plan goes beyond federal requirements by including nine assets in addition to NHS pavements and bridges as well as major transit. Four of these assets are newly reported on since the 2019 TAMP.
Publisher: Connecticut Department of Transportation
AASHTO CPBM TAM Subcommittee – TAM Strategic Action Plan | Flyer/Handout, Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis TAM Strategic Action Plan establishes a common agenda for advancing TAM knowledge and practice for the American Association of Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Performance- Based Management (CPBM) Subcommittee on Asset Management, in coordination with the Subcommittee’s partners and stakeholders.
A 2019 TAM Strategic Planning Workshop, held on October 17-18, 2019 in Irvine, California, provided the foundation for the AASHTO CPBM TAM Subcommittee – TAM Strategic Action Plan. With over 45 attendees representing more than 35 organizations, the discussions brought together many voices and perspectives to identify, define, and prioritize the specific opportunities for TAM advancements that will deliver real value to transportation agencies.
A full research report is available at: https://onlinepubs.trb.org/Onlinepubs/nchrp/docs/NCHRP20-123-01FinalReport.pdf.
Alaska Moves 2050 Public Review Draft | Plan
This plan is the tentative version of Alaska's upcoming Long Range Plan, released for public comment before the finalized plan is released. This plan embodies the long-range vision, policies and objectives that will guide Alaska’s transportation development for the next 20-year period. When Alaska Moves 2050 is completed in the fall of 2022, it will supersede the previous plan Let's Keep Moving 2036.
TPM Webinar 13 - GHG & Environmental Measures | Guide/Manual, Research Report, Webinar/Video
Emissions, Environment-
Electric Vehicle Myths | Article
TPM Webinar 13 - Greenhouse Gas & Environmental Measures | Webinar/Video