Minnesota DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementMnDOT initiated a strategic planning process for asset management after completing the 2019 TAMP. The final plan, called the Asset Management Strategic Implementation Plan, provides direction for improving the management of highway assets over the next five years. It sets a vision for asset management at MnDOT and establishes near-term objectives. The TAMP planning process uses the AMSIP vision and objectives. MnDOT is recognized nationally as a leader in asset management.
Publisher: Minnesota Department of Transportation
2022 GHG NPRM Schedule | DocumentFlyer/Handout
Emissions, Environment, System PerformanceOn July 7, 2022 FHWA announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for states and municipalities to track and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This document presents a schedule for the 90-day commenting period for the NPRM.
GHG NPRM Comment Template | DocumentTemplate
Emissions, Environment, System PerformanceOn July 7, 2022 FHWA announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for states and municipalities to track and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This document provides a template for commenting on the NPRM.
Multi-State Letter of Support – GHG NPRM | Marketing/Communications
Emissions, EnvironmentA letter expressing support and encouragement for the GHG performance standard signed by state transportation agency executives from California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington State, Vermont, and the District of Columbia.
GHG NPRM Overview Presentation | Presentation
Emissions, EnvironmentOn July 7, 2022 FHWA announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for states and municipalities to track and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This presentation provides an overview of the proposed rulemaking.
NCHRP Synthesis 584: Visualization of Highway Performance Measures | Research Report
System PerformanceThis 2022 synthesis presents examples of transportation agencies' current visualization practices related to highway performance measures. In addition to the published synthesis, a compendium of examples is also available as a separate downloadable file at: https://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_syn_584Presentation.pptx
Wyoming DOT 2022 TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe 2022 Wyoming TAMP presents the DOT's approach to managing its pavement and bridge assets. It includes sections on pavement and bridge conditions and programs, life-cycle cost analysis, financial planning and investment strategies, and risks to the transportation system. Notably, WYDOT's 2022 TAMP includes a section on Performance Management.
Publisher: Wyoming Department of Transportation
California DOT (Caltrans) TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis updated plan is the second TAMP developed for California's transportation system approved by the California Transportation Commission and certified by the FHWA in 2018. It was established in collaboration with hundreds of stakeholders throughout the state. It is expected to improve upon the initial TAMP and allow California to maximize results by managing the life cycle of transportation assets strategically to minimize costs and manage risks.
Publisher: California Department of Transportation
Michigan DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementMDOT’s 2022 TAMP builds off decades of transportation asset management efforts in
Michigan, including the department’s 2019 TAMP. MDOT has used asset management tools to evaluate its network condition since 1997 to guide investment and programming decisions. The Michigan TAMP includes inventory and condition information, documentation of performance measures and targets, a description of the investment strategy and the asset management processes MDOT uses to guide program and project decisions, and financial and performance gap analyses.
Publisher: Michigan Department of Transportation
New Hampshire DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis plan identifies risk-based analyses and processes to support the efficient allocation of New Hampshire DOT's resources. Its goal is to maintain assets in a State of Good Repair and reduce any potential system risks. The New Hampshire DOT worked with the state's four metropolitan planning organizations to provide a 10-year roadmap for the strategic management of NHS bridge and pavement assets.
Electric Vehicle Myths | Article
Emissions, EnvironmentThis article, published by the Environmental Protection Agency, answers questions surrounding six common myths about electric vehicles. It provides straightforward answers and offers up additional resources for further investigation. The six myths are:
- Myth #1: Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline cars because of the power plant emissions.
- Myth #2: Electric vehicles don’t have enough range to handle daily travel demands.
- Myth #3: Electric vehicles only come as sedans.
- Myth #4: There is nowhere to charge.
- Myth #5: Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline cars because of battery manufacturing.
- Myth #6: Electric vehicles are not as safe as comparable gasoline vehicles.
NCHRP Research Report 993 Managing Performance to Enhance Decision-Making: Making Targets Matter (2022) | Research Report
"When targets matter, they drive transportation agency decisions and actions."
The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 993, titled "Managing Performance to Enhance Decision-Making: Making Targets Matter," presents various feedback enhancement strategies. It includes case studies demonstrating how agencies successfully integrate feedback based on data and people into their decision-making processes. These processes span long-term strategic planning, medium-term program development, and daily operations.