North Carolina DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementNorth Carolina has published their 2022 TAMP update. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT, The Department) has long embraced data driven asset management practices. These practices were first compiled into a single asset management document in 2014. The TAMP is a strategic framework for considering the full life cycle cost and performance of transportation infrastructure. Long-term cost is minimized, and overall life and system-wide performance is maximized. The TAMP documents considerations for preserving the entire network of bridge and pavement assets.
Publisher: North Carolina Department of Transportation
Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the Transportation Workforce: Transportation Planners | Guide/Manual
Organizational ManagementThis NCHRP report presents an assessment of the current and emerging forces shaping transportation planning practice and the transportation planning workforce. The objectives of this research were to (1) identify the knowledge, skills, abilities, education, and experience (KSAEEs) required for plan making and talent profiles for state, regional, and local transportation planners that are aligned with existing and emerging agency needs; and (2) provide guidance on how agencies can attract, develop, manage, and retain planning talent.
Reliability of Crash Prediction Models: A Guide for Quantifying and Improving the Reliability of Model Results (NCHRP Research Report 983) | Research Report
SafetyThis research report supports the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual by establishing the methods for ensuring reliable results in crash prediction models.
Strategic Prioritization and Planning of MultiAsset Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Improvements: Phase 1 – Prioritization through Optimization | Research Report
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementUsing a multi-asset approach emphasizing pavements and bridges, the tools and technologies presented in this study support strategic planning of maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation and project prioritization.
ACRP Research Report 214: BIM Beyond Design Guidebook | Guide/Manual
Asset Management, Organizational ManagementAs airport management has increased in complexity over the past few years, building information modeling (BIM) has risen as a key tool for asset life cycle management. This guidebook reviews the basic knowledge needed for airport owners and managers to implement BIM. It runs through each of the actions from pre-BIM activities like organizational assessments and financial analysis to the process of implementation and integration with existing systems. The report also includes case studies from 12 different airports and organizations, sharing their benefits and lessons learned from BIM.
TPM Newsletter – Fall 2021 | Marketing/Communications
System PerformanceThe Fall 2021 issue is focused on Risk Management, and features the following articles and content:
- Managing Risk in the 21st Century
- Welcome from the AASHTO CPBM Risk Management Subcommittee Chair
- Weaving Risk Management into Your Agency, Every Day
- Communicating and Consulting with Stakeholders is Essential to Managing Risk
- UDOT’s ERM Journey
- A Risk and Resilience Roadmap to Better Performance-Based Asset Management
- Featured Transportation Risk Management Research
- Save the Date
- Get Involved in a CPBM Subcommittee or Work Group
Publisher: AASHTO, CPBM, The Transportation Pooled Fund
Guidelines for the Development and Application of Crash Modification Factors (NCHRP Research Report 991) | Research Report
SafetyThis research report outlines a procedure for using crash modification factors (CMFs) to understand and quantify the effect of a transportation investment on the system. The report dives into great detail on how to select and adjust CMFs for different pavement and bridge assets, how to apply the CMFs in investment decisions, and how to develop new CMFs that account for important factors relating to the location and asset type.
Evaluating Transportation Equity: Guidance for Incorporating Distributional Impacts in Transport Planning | Guide/Manual
Equity, System PerformanceThis article by the Victoria Transport Policy Institute provides practical guidance for transportation equity analysis. It defines various equity types, impacts, metrics and objectives to consider, and describes ways to incorporate equity evaluation into a transportation planning process.
Publisher: Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal
Fix It, Sign It or Close It: State of Good Repair in an Era of Budget Constraints | Guide/Manual, Legal Digest
This publication is a compilation of the legal framework within which transportation agencies operate — and the practices employed — to reach a state of good repair. It also examines possible legal consequences of an agency's prioritization and choices of whether to repair or rebuild assets vs. closing them.
Rural Transportation Issues: Research Roadmap | Research Report
Asset Management, System PerformanceThis research roadmap for rural transportation identifies a series of research needs statements and projects encapsulated within a long-term research vision. Their studies reflect the opinions of a number of different rural transportation stakeholders and communities, and the topics include everything from aviation & marine transportation to transportation administration & management to intercity transit & active transportation. The purpose of this research is to support policy-driven investment and improve the safety and efficiency of the US rural transportation network.
Prioritization of Public Transportation Investments: A Guide for Decision-Makers | Guide/Manual
This publication is intended to help decision-makers with their processes for prioritization of public transit projects.
Performance-Based Decision Making for Asset Management: Lessons Learned and Practitioner Toolkit | Research Report
Governments, including transportation agencies, are increasingly adopting performance-based approaches to management and decision making to help achieve desired outcomes, and to encourage fiscal responsibility, accountability and transparency in
governance. As financial resources become more limited and governments focus on obtaining value for money, transportation agencies are increasingly required to make investments using cross-asset trade-offs and optimization methods to improve transparency and credibility using a performance-based approach to decision making.
Despite recent progress, there is still much to learn about performance-based decision making and the best techniques to ensure success. Many public transportation agencies seek practical examples and tools that could be deployed to advance their asset
management practices, improve the transparency of decision making, and optimize network investments. This report helps close that knowledge gap by synthesizing lessons learned with respect to performance-based decision making, and by developing a toolkit
that can help practitioners identify tools to implement for different needs within the asset management process.
Publisher: Transportation Association of Canada