A Guide to Computation and Use of System Level Valuation of Transportation Assets
State transportation agencies are stewards for public infrastructure assets that are essential to economic vitality, public safety, and quality of life. Accurate, relevant, and reliable asset valuation is crucial for decision-making to ensure the effective, efficient, and economical management of these public assets.
The Guide to Computation and Use of System Level Valuation of Transportation Assets provides guidance on how to calculate asset value, including three different perspectives each suited to different purposes, and a simple, 6-step approach to conduct the computation. It should be noted that though this guide is consistent with the standard practices, it is not an official accounting or financial standard.
Web resources available at https://www.assetvalueguide.com
The web guide is a product of NCHRP Project 23-06 presented in an easy-to-navigate digital version. The guide aids TAM practitioners in calculating and communicating asset value for an array of different perspectives and incorporating asset value into their decision-making processes. It is applicable to both highway and transit modes, and it provides advice for the best methods to value various different assets and asset classes.
Infrastructure Assets: Highway Assets
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems
Management Processes: Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Based Planning & Programming, Performance Reporting & Communication