Collection: TPM Webinars


The TPM Webinar series presents best practices and guidance for practitioners in transportation performance management. Their topics cover everything from communication to data management. These webinars are sponsored by the TPM Pooled Fund with support from AASHTO CPBM Leadership and FHWA.

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| VideoWebinar/Video

Environment, Organizational Management

The next generation of continuous improvement methodologies is transforming transportation agencies’ approaches to driving positive organizational change. By leveraging data analytics, integrating technology, and advancing delivery, agencies can promptly respond to changes and enhance overall performance. This webinar explored how State DOTs are using new methods of attaining higher productivity, quality, safety, and customer satisfaction. In this webinar, agency continuous improvement professionals shared how their innovations are enhancing their agencies’ outcomes.

Presenters represent national Focus Innovations selected from AASHTO Innovation Management, and included:

John Kronholm, Colorado DOT – Wildlife Underpass Sizing
Kalli Wegren, Colorado DOT – GIS Potholes Field Map & GeoHub Layer
Mark Kilian, Arizona DOT – Remote-Controlled Skid Steer

Publication Date: July 17, 2024

Publisher: AASHTO/FHWA

| VideoWebinar/Video

Transportation Performance Management has undergone significant changes in the past few decades. It has gone from being an approach used by agencies to track their level of service, program, and project delivery at a statewide level to incorporating federally mandated tracking and reporting on infrastructure, safety, and system performance. 

This webinar held a conversation with current and former leaders of Transportation Performance Management (TPM). Panelists shared their successes, learnings, and war stories about the implementation of TPM. They also discussed their hopes for the next phase of TPM and performance-based planning, including sustaining performance management and integrating new and emerging performance areas and community-based performance considerations. 

Kirk Steudle, Retired, Michigan DOT, former Chair, AASHTO SCOPM (now CPBM)
Tim Henkel, Retired, Minnesota DOT, former Chair AASHTO CPBM
Christos Xenophontos, Rhode Island DOT, Chair CPBM
Jean Wallace, Minnesota DOT, Vice Chair, CPBM
Deanna Belden, Minnesota DOT, Co-Chair, Task Force on Emerging Measurement Areas, CPBM
William Johnson, Colorado DOT, Co-Chair, Subcommittee on Risk Management, CPBM

Topics covered:
- The development of state-level performance measures, performance-based planning, and management systems
- Successes and challenges from the implementation and integration of federal performance management requirements
- The future of performance management and what's next

Publication Date: May 15, 2024

Publisher: FHWA/AASHTO

| VideoWebinar/Video

During this webinar, State DOTs presented various topics at the intersection of risk, resilience, & performance management.

Publication Date: March 20, 2024

Publisher: AASHTO & FHWA

| VideoWebinar/Video

During this webinar, PIARC’s Technical Committee on the Performance of Transport Administrations (TC 1.1) presented the achievements of the Committee over the current work cycle (2020-2023) and shared with the AASHTO community their presentations from the 2023 Prague World Road Congress, which was the culmination of PIARC’s cycle.

The agenda included:

Introduction (Christos Xenophontos)
FHWA: Importance of International Programs & Collaboration
AASHTO: Partnership with PIARC (King Gee)
PIARC: Introduction on World Road Congress (WRC) (Patrick Mallejacq)
Work Group 1 Highlights – Customer Experience & Public Value Creation (Ilaria Coppa & Deanna Belden)
Work Group 2 Highlights – The Role of Transport Agencies in Shaping Disruptive Technologies & Service Models (Anne-Séverine Poupeleer & Jonathan Spear)
Work Group 3 Highlights – Defining & Promoting Diversity & Talent Management: (José Manuel Blanco Segarra & Karen Bobo)
Conclusions and What is Next for PIARC and TC 1.1 (Christos Xenophontos)

Check out the resources linked in the presentations from TPM Webinar 20

Publication Date: November 29, 2023

Publisher: AASHTO

| VideoWebinar/Video

TPM Webinar 18 featured an FHWA and State DOT TPM Roundtable. FHWA Central Office and Division staff participated in a dialogue with State DOTs around TPM topics. Please see the slide deck attached below. NOTE: Other resources from the webinar are listed below:

Publication Date: July 19, 2023

Publisher: AASHTO/FHWA

| VideoWebinar/Video

CPBM OM Subcommittee Chair, Gary Vansuch with the Colorado DOT, gave a topic introduction to TPM Webinar 17: Agency Innovations and Improvements Blitz . In this webinar, we heard from numerous TPM leaders as they shared their agency innovations and improvements “popcorn style”.

Find attached the Zoom Chat comments for resources and links mentioned during the webinar:

Publication Date: May 24, 2023

Publisher: AASHTO and FHWA

| VideoWebinar/Video

In this webinar, Mike Johnson dove deep into Caltran's performance management framework. Johnson gave an overview of the development of Caltrans' Operational Plans, spending time unpacking the TPM component of the plans. He covered Caltrans' integration with Performance Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) and spent time reviewing their organizational performance outcomes. At the end of his presentation, Johnson fielded questions from webinar attendees.

Publication Date: March 24, 2023

Publisher: AASHTO

| VideoWebinar/Video

This TPM webinar opens with a welcome and introduction from Christos Xenophontos from the Rhode Island DOT, followed by short FHWA and AASHTO perspectives on this topic.

Following the introduction, state DOT TPM practitioners from each track of the AASHTO 2022 Conference present their reflections:

Ryan Huff, Nebraska DOT - Summary from the Planning Committee
Deanna Belden, Minnesota DOT - Performance Management Track Reflection
Jessica Griffin, New Mexico DOT - Planning Track Reflection

Publication Date: February 8, 2023

| VideoWebinar/Video

This TPM webinar opens with a welcome and introduction from Christos Xenophontos from the Rhode Island DOT, followed by short FHWA and AASHTO perspectives on this topic. Gary Vansuch, Chair of the Organizational Management Subcommittee, talks about his vision for the subcommittee as he assumes his leadership role.

Following the introduction, state DOT TPM practitioners present:

Gary Vansuch, Colorado DOT – the Lean Forum and his state’s Lean initiative
Kelly Backues, Missouri DOT – the state’s Innovations Challenge
Lisa Pounds, Arizona DOT – highlights of their recent improvement efforts

We end the session with Q&A and a quick wrap-up.

Publication Date: November 16, 2022

| VideoWebinar/Video

The November 14, 2022 joint meeting of the AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management and the Transportation Performance Management Technical Service Program provides an update on the progress of the committee and TSP. The featured topic was the System Mobility and Emerging Technologies (SMET) Joint Subcommittee.

Publication Date: November 14, 2022

Publisher: AASHTO

| VideoWebinar/Video

Emissions, Environment

AASHTO and FHWA explore greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction techniques, GHG measures and target-setting, and environmental policies. The webinar includes an introduction to the recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for state DOTs and MPOs to measure and reduce their GHG emissions. Representatives from Minnesota DOT, Colorado DOT, and District DOT share their agency's efforts in tracking and reducing emissions. The webinar closes with a presentation from McVoy Associates about their recently published NCHRP guide titled "Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Guide for State DOTs".

For more information on the 2022 GHG NPRM, check out the GHG resource collection.

Publication Date: July 20, 2022

| VideoWebinar/Video

Accessibility, Bridge, Freight, Pavement, Safety, System Performance

In this webinar, FHWA and AASHTO explore effective target setting and different target setting approaches. The webinar features presentations from Alexis Kuklenski and Walt Satterfield on the FHWA perspective, Matt Hardy on an analysis of AASHTO's 2- and 4-year targets, Anna Batista on the results of NCHRP Project 02-27: Making Targets Matter, and Michael Grant on the Guidebook: Effective Methods for Setting Transportation Performance Targets.

Publication Date: May 24, 2022

| VideoWebinar/Video

The March 31, 2022 joint meeting of the AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management and the Transportation Performance Management Technical Service Program will provide an update on the progress of the committee and TSP.

Publication Date: March 31, 2022

Publisher: AASHTO

| VideoWebinar/Video

System Performance

In this webinar, FHWA and AASHTO present transportation equity, including its definition, its importance within transportation planning and management today, and how it could be measured using examples from Colorado DOT. Breakout group discussions comprise a portion of this webinar; however these are not included in the video. Please use this link to download a Word file with notes from the breakout groups. A summary of the findings from each breakout room are shared in the second half of the video.

Publication Date: March 17, 2022

| VideoWebinar/Video

Accessibility, Resilience, System Performance

The December 2, 2021 joint meeting of the AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management and the TPM Transportation Pooled Fund. Breakout meeting notes are available here.

Publication Date: December 2, 2021

Publisher: AASHTO

| VideoWebinar/Video


This webinar presents on the expanded role and importance of transportation resiliency in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). It includes introductions to the topic from the FHWA and DOT perspective, as well as a discussion of current activities conducted by AASHTO. The majority of this webinar consists of breakout room discussions which are summarized in the second half of the video.

Publication Date: January 26, 2022

| VideoWebinar/Video

System Performance

This webinar covers topics related to transportation organizational management and agencies’ efforts to enhance public value. It also highlights the activities of the AASHTO Committee on Performance-Based Management’s Organizational Management Subcommittee.

Publication Date: November 17, 2021

Publisher: FHWA & AASHTO

| VideoWebinar/Video

System Performance

The 8th installment of the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series covered transportation agency practices in visualizing data for telling a story and supporting decision-making. Topics included visualization strategies, techniques and leading practices for various audiences and purposes.

Publication Date: September 15, 2021

Publisher: FHWA & AASHTO

| VideoWebinar/Video

System Performance

This webinar reviews the current performance measures and national performance goals to understand how states are using them in their decision-making and how the national government is using them to tell a story about the infrastructure network. The webinar's presenters are as follows:

· Hyun-A Park and Lori Richter, Spy Pond Partners
· Pete Stephanos, FHWA
· Scott Zainhofsky, North Dakota DOT
· Andrew Ludasi, New Jersey DOT
· Deanna Belden, Minnesota DOT
· Karen Miller, Missouri DOT
· Tim Henkel, Minnesota DOT

The TPM Webinar series presents best practices and guidance for practitioners in transportation performance management. Their topics cover everything from communication to data management. These webinars are sponsored by the TPM Pooled Fund with support from AASHTO CPBM Leadership and FHWA.

Publication Date: July 23, 2021

Publisher: FHWA & AASHTO

| Video

The June 17, 2021 joint meeting of the AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management and the TPM Transportation Pooled Fund. Meeting notes are available here.

Publication Date: June 17, 2021

Publisher: AASHTO

| VideoWebinar/Video

System Performance

This webinar addresses emerging TPM priorities and incorporate transportation performance topics such as climate change, public health, equity, and active transportation measures. The webinar's presenters are as follows:

· Stephanie Pollack, FHWA
· Roger Millar, Washington State DOT
· Toks Omishakin, Caltrans
· Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Minnesota DOT
· Shawn Wilson, Louisiana DOTD

The TPM Webinar series presents best practices and guidance for practitioners in transportation performance management. Their topics cover everything from communication to data management. These webinars are sponsored by the TPM Pooled Fund with support from AASHTO CPBM Leadership and FHWA.

Publication Date: May 19, 2021

Publisher: FHWA & AASHTO

| Video

System Performance

This webinar covers transportation risk management as it relates to TPM. Presentations address performance-based risk management, FHWA resources, research, case examples, and long-term enterprise risk management incorporating health and safety.

During the webinar, panelists included helpful related links in the webinar chat—each of which are included below.

Utah’s Transportation Vision
WSDOT Strategic Plan Dashboard
Publication Date: March 17, 2021

Publisher: FHWA & AASHTO

| Video

System Performance

This webinar covers transportation agency management of system performance management, with a focus on accessibility. Presentations will examine how accessibility relates to TPM and PBPP, FHWA accessibility resources, research and case examples, as well as state-based accessibility studies, dashboards and use of state DOT accessibility tools.

Publication Date: November 18, 2020

Publisher: AASHTO

| Video

This webinar highlights communication strategies, resources and emerging practices for supporting TPM. Presentations discuss agencies’ efforts in this area, including communication of state, regional and federal priorities, performance visualization and effective practices for telling the story about performance progress.

Publication Date: September 16, 2020

Publisher: AASHTO

| Video

System Performance

This webinar focuses on transportation agency target setting for federal PM3 CMAQ measures. Presentations address decision analysis methods for setting targets, making CMAQ targets meaningful to the public, and target setting and related planning and programming challenges.

Keith Miller (NJTPA) provided links to supplement his presentation, which help explain his agency's example “family” for the PHED measure. Click here to visit the NJTPA's Performance Measures page and click here to watch the page's accompanying YouTube video.

Publication Date: August 26, 2020

Publisher: AASHTO

| Video

System Performance

This webinar covers transportation agency target setting for federal PM3 system performance and reliability, including policy, planning and performance considerations related to target setting. Presentations address data gaps, modeling and forecasting for system performance targets, and moving the needle on the national system.

Publication Date: August 12, 2020

Publisher: AASHTO

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Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement

This webinar focuses on state target setting for federal PM2 infrastructure condition measures. This webinar covers specific target setting issues related to pavements and bridges, including data considerations, collaboration and coordination with partner agencies and aligning TPM projections and agency plan goals.

Publication Date: August 5, 2020

Publisher: AASHTO

| Video


This webinar is a deep dive into state target setting approaches for federal requirements for safety performance measures. Topics include a review of the safety report card results, and the impact of external factors and data lags on safety target setting.

Publication Date: July 29, 2020

Publisher: AASHTO

| Video

Asset Management, System Performance

This webinar reviews state target setting approaches and lessons learned leading up to the mid-performance period progress report. Topics covered include target setting in the face of uncertainty and data gaps, coordinating and collaborating on target setting and improving forecasting approaches.

Publication Date: July 15, 2020

Publisher: AASHTO

| Video

Asset Management, System Performance

The inaugural webinar of the TPM Webinar Series was held Wednesday, May 20, 2020 from 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT. The session featured presentations of TPM best practices at transportation agencies, drawn from the TPM peer exchange that was held in St. Paul, MN on November 14-15, 2019.

Webinar Presentations and Speakers:

  • Agency Resource Allocation for Performance-Based Planning and Programming – Karen Miller, Missouri DOT
  • Maximizing Efficiency through Predictive Tools – Ryan Granger, Texas DOT
  • Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating Federal TPM into a Mature Performance Managements System – Deanna Belden, Minnesota DOT
  • Aligning Enterprise Information Management, Asset Management, Performance Management and Risk Management within a Strategic Planning Process – Kelly Travelbee, Michigan DOT
Publication Date: May 20, 2020

Publisher: AASHTO