Resource Set: TPM Newsletters
A complete set of the bi-annual TPM Newsletters—first released in Fall 2020. These newsletters are sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Performance-Based Management (CPBM) in collaboration with the TPM Pooled Fund. The TPM Pooled Fund is supported by AASHTO and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Performance Areas:
Management Processes:
Agency Functions:
Agency Types:
Resource Types:
TPM Newsletter - Spring 2024 | Marketing/Communications
Asset Management, Equity, Mobility, Resilience, System PerformanceThe Spring 2024 issue features the following articles and content:
- Welcome from the AASHTO CPBM Chair
- Driving Change: Transportation Policy in Action
- 2024-2027 PIARC Work Cycle
- AASHTO Updates
- TPM Webinar Explores the Intersection of Risk, Resilience, and Performance Management
- TAM Webinar 68 Highlights Equity and Transportation Asset Management
- Featured Transportation Research
- Save the Date
- Get Involved in a CPBM Subcommittee or Work Group
Publisher: AASHTO, CPBM, The Technical Services Program
TPM Newsletter - Fall 2023 | Marketing/Communications
Accessibility, Equity, Freight, Mobility, Resilience, System PerformanceThe Fall 2023 issue is focused on the future transportation agency, and features the following articles and content:
- Welcome from the AASHTO CPBM Chair
- AASHTO Updates
- Highlights from the AASHTO CPBM 2023 Peer Exchange and Business as UN-Usual Annual Meeting
- Critical News: GHG Final Rule
- AASHTO Vision & Aspirational Goals
- Recent Accomplishments of The World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee 1.1 – Performance of Transportation Administrations
- 2024 TRB 103rd Annual Meeting Sessions of Interest
- Featured Transportation Research
- Save the Date
- Get Involved in a CPBM Subcommittee or Work Group
Publisher: AASHTO, CPBM, The Technical Services Program
TPM Newsletter - Fall 2022 | Marketing/Communications
Accessibility, Mobility, Resilience, System PerformanceThe Fall 2022 issue is focused on emerging performance areas, and features the following articles and content:
- Welcome from the AASHTO CPBM Chair
- Next Generation of Performance Management: New Task Force on Emerging Performance Areas
- MassDOT Destination Accessibility Measurement and Application
- Advancing Transportation Equity in Minnesota
- AASHTO Updates
- Writing a 'Good' Risk Statement
- Featured Transportation Research
- Save the Date
- Get Involved in a CPBM Subcommittee or Work Group
Publisher: AASHTO, CPBM, The Transportation Pooled Fund
TPM Newsletter – Spring 2022 | Marketing/Communications
Organizational Management, Resilience, System PerformanceThe Spring 2022 issue is focused on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and features the following articles and content:
- Implementing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law within Transportation Agencies
- Welcome from the AASHTO CPBM Chair
- Gearing up to Invest in Transportation Resilience
- Infrastructure Resilience in Colorado
- AASHTO Supporting States on Implementation of IIJA/BIL
- NCHRP Proposal to Develop a Highway Asset Risk and Resilience Manual
- TPM Q&A with Steve Gaj
- Steve Gaj Memories and Tributes
- Featured Transportation Research
- Save the Date
- Get Involved in a CPBM Subcommittee or Work Group
Publisher: AASHTO, CPBM, The Transportation Pooled Fund
TPM Newsletter – Fall 2021 | Marketing/Communications
System PerformanceThe Fall 2021 issue is focused on Risk Management, and features the following articles and content:
- Managing Risk in the 21st Century
- Welcome from the AASHTO CPBM Risk Management Subcommittee Chair
- Weaving Risk Management into Your Agency, Every Day
- Communicating and Consulting with Stakeholders is Essential to Managing Risk
- UDOT’s ERM Journey
- A Risk and Resilience Roadmap to Better Performance-Based Asset Management
- Featured Transportation Risk Management Research
- Save the Date
- Get Involved in a CPBM Subcommittee or Work Group
Publisher: AASHTO, CPBM, The Transportation Pooled Fund
TPM Newsletter – Spring 2021 | Marketing/Communications
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Spring 2021 issue of the TPM Newsletter is focused on transportation asset management (TAM) and performance management and features the following articles and content:
- Welcome from the AASHTO CPBM Vice Chair
- TAM: It’s How We Do Business
- PIARC: Taking It International
- MoDOT’s Partner Collaboration - Stronger Every Year
- Featured Transportation Asset Management Research
- Save the Date
- Staffing Changes
- FHWA State Performance Dashboard and Reports
- Get Involved in a CPBM Subcommittee or Work Group
- TAM Online Training Flyer
Publisher: AASHTO, CPBM, The Transportation Pooled Fund
TPM Newsletter – Fall 2020 | Marketing/Communications
System PerformanceThe Fall 2020 issue of the TPM Newsletter is focused on COVID-19: TPM Impacts, and features the following articles and content:
- Welcome from the AASHTO CPBM Chair
- Reliability Target Setting Under Uncertainty
- PIARC T.C. 1.1 - Performance of Transport Administrations
- Global Insights: Learning from a Global Pandemic
- COVID-19 Survey Results
- Iowa DOT Works to Stabilize, Recover and Grow in Response to COVID-19
- Featured COVID-19 Resources
- Spotlight TPM Portal Resources
- Save the Date
Publisher: AASHTO, CPBM, The Transportation Pooled Fund