Joint Subcommittee on System Mobility and Emerging Technologies (SMET)
The joint subcommittee serves as the central forum to share information and best practices on how state DOTs are managing system operation and system mobility and how performance is impacted due to current and emerging transportation technologies, programs, operational strategies and connected environments. This may include examining the impacts of programs such Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) technology, Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) and Mobility on Demand (MOD).
Welcome To The Joint Subcommittee On System Mobility And Emerging Technologies (SMET).
The joint subcommittee is led by a chair, with support from a vice chair, as selected by AASHTO CPBM and CTSO standing committee chairs.

- SMET serves as the forum to share how state DOTs are managing system operation and system mobility and how performance is impacted due to current and emerging transportation technologies, operational strategies and connected environments
- SMET explores system and mobility related performance, data and analytical tools, performance communication, reporting approaches, research and related, private sector partnerships
- SMET examines the system impacts of current and emerging system management approaches such as Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) technology, Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) and Mobility on Demand (MOD) programs
Work Plan
- The subcommittee chair, with support from the vice-chair and with input from the subcommittee members, will develop and update an annual work plan to guide the subcommittee’s activities.
- The work plan shall be approved by the CPBM and the CTSO standing committee chair.
- The subcommittee chair, with support from the vice-chair, shall be responsible for monitoring and regularly reporting to the CPBM and CTSO leadership groups on the status of the work plan.

The joint subcommittee formally fuses the related work of the AASHTO Standing Committees on Transportation System Operations (CTSO) and on Performance-Based Management (CPBM); with an informal, collaborative relationship with the Standing Committee on Data Management and Analytics (CDMA).
The membership of the subcommittee is comprised of members from both the AASHTO CPBM and CTSO standing committees and is governed by the CPBM and CTSO charter. Why should you engage and join?
- We welcome collaboration and active participation
- We foster information exchange, best practices and learning
- We know your time is limited and will honor it by providing value added meetings or webinars
- We will appreciate your contributions as a volunteer and valued committee member
- We encourage inclusion and equal participation by all-everyone is heard
Active participation is key for our subcommittee to be successful in its mission, and that means we need you to be involved! There are many different ways you can be involved, including:
- Participate in our bi-monthly subcommittee web conferences. Meetings occur on the third Tuesday of even-numbered months from 2:30PM to 3:30PM Eastern Time.
- Attend our annual or mid-year subcommittee meetings, usually held in conjunction with an AAHSTO or TRB conference, currently in virtual form.
- Assist with or lead one of the subcommittee activities.
To get involved, please contact one of the members of the subcommittee leadership team introduced on the Mission & Vision tab.
Meetings: Third Tuesday of the even-numbered months, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time
Contact Daniela Bremmer, [email protected], for a link to meetings.
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