Collection: Long Range Transportation Plan


This collection contains a selection of state DOT performance-based long range transportation plans. Included are fifty-two most recently published plans, as well as records for previous long range transportation plans. It was last updated in September 2022.

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| Document

The ADOT 2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan is currently in progress, and anticipated in 2023. The Arizona Department of Transportation is currently updating their Long Range Transportation Plan to provide a blueprint for the state's transportation system over the next 25 years. The plan will establish strategic priorities, goals, and objectives to guide ADOT's transportation investments.

The plan is currently in the "Public Outreach" phase. In-person public meetings and a virtual telephone town hall will be held in central, northern and southern Arizona in early Spring 2023.

Publication Date: January 2023

| Plan

This plan is the tentative version of Alaska's upcoming Long Range Plan, released for public comment before the finalized plan is released. This plan embodies the long-range vision, policies and objectives that will guide Alaska’s transportation development for the next 20-year period. When Alaska Moves 2050 is completed in the fall of 2022, it will supersede the previous plan Let's Keep Moving 2036.

Publication Date: September 2022

| Plan

Wyoming's long range plan is part of the planning process called Wyoming Connects. The long range plan highlights sixteen multimodal State Significant Corridors crucial to Wyoming's transportation system, and it methodologically analyzes future needs and revenue to provide a framework for maintaining the transportation network.

Publication Date: February 2010

| Plan

Wisconsin's long range plan outlines policies and strategies for achieving a series of different statewide goals. These include maintenance and preservation, safety, economic growth, mobility, transportation efficiencies, quality of life, and security. In addition to these areas, the long range plan covers the state's funding plan and includes an environmental justice analysis. Wisconsin is in the process of updating their long range plan to extend to 2050.

Publication Date: August 2009


Aug 2009

| Plan

The West Virginia long range plan develops a framework for prioritizing transportation investment across the state for a twenty-year horizon. It plots a direction for the state's transportation system, and it guides the state as it faces challenges related to finances, environmental sustainability, land use, and social equity.

Publication Date: June 2010

| Plan

Washington State's long range plan innovatively presents the framework for transportation decision-making. It focuses around six policy goals of economic vitality, preservation, safety, mobility, environment and health, and stewardship. WSDOT pays specific attention to the growth and impact of new technologies such as ridesharing, autonomous vehicles, dynamic tolling, and many more.

Publication Date: January 2019


Jan 2019

| Plan

The 2040 update to Virginia's long range transportation plan includes a Vision Plan and a Needs Assessment which builds upon the work previously conducted in VTrans 2035. This update creates a link between Virginia's long range plan and funding process (SMART SCALE).

Publication Date: January 2018


Jan 2018

| Plan

Vermont's long range plan considers the rapidly changing technology landscape, demographic changes, and evolution of the service-based economy in its plan for the next 20 years of transportation. In addition to the continued focus on maintaining the current system, Vermont strives to place greater focus on the operational systems, including information systems, signals, automated messaging, and other technologies.

Publication Date: August 2018

| Plan

As one of the fastest growing states, Utah relies on its long range plan to successfully plan for its future transportation system. This plan results from the collaboration of agencies across the state, including UDOT, regional groups, MPOs, and the Utah Transit Authority. These agencies agree on strategies and policies to reach their common goals.

Publication Date: September 2019

| Plan

Texas's current long range plan expands on the work in the Texas Transportation Plan (TTP) 2040 and extends the planning and guidance to 2050. Through collaboration with organizations ranging from local communities and private companies to metropolitan planning organizations and transit officials. It is multimodal, covering bicycle, pedestrian, public transit, aviation, ferries, and passenger rail as well as highway and freight. Texas even distinguishes the needs of their rural transportation network with a specific section in the 2050 plan.

Publication Date: August 2020


Aug 2020

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This plan guides long-term funding and policy decisions for Tennessee's transportation system. It consists of several documents and specifically highlights the 10-Year Strategic Investment Plan. Other papers cover trends in demographics, employment, travel, system performance, and financial revenues. A series of policy papers detail the topics of safety, security, resiliency, freight logistics, mobility, accessibility, and coordination.

Publication Date: October 2015

| Plan

This plan guides policy and strategies for South Dakota DOT and for the development of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and other plans. It covers all modes of transportation including highway, air, rail, and transit. Based on its current system and transportation trends, South Dakota presents plans for bridge and pavement management, bike and pedestrian facilities, and transit. This document concludes with a discussion of funding forecasts and needs.

Publication Date: September 2010

| Plan

The South Carolina long range plan is made up of several component plans for the interstate, freight, strategic corridors, rail, statewide transit, regional plans, and the statewide strategic safety plan. South Carolina faces growth in employment, population, and transportation demand while inhibited by shrinking revenue streams. This plan addresses the needs and challenges of SCDOT and presents scenario analysis and strategies. The strategies cover safety, economic competitiveness, performance management, asset management, freight improvements, multimodal enhancements, and partnerships.

Publication Date: December 2014


South Carolina
Dec 2014

| Plan

The most recent version of Rhode Island's long range plan was published as a draft in fall 2020 with a final version expected following the public comment period. The plan covers the state's vision, trends, infrastructure and financial needs, performance measures, and future projects.

Publication Date: September 2020


Rhode Island
Sep 2020

| Plan

This plan takes a deep-dive into the current situation of the transportation system, with specialized studies investigating the lasting impact of Hurricane Maria. Then it outlines the territory's goals: system performance, environmentally sustainable development, mobility and access for people and goods, and economic vitality. Following that, it describes the planning process including public involvement and model development, and it presents the funding needs and sources. The central plan includes analysis of several scenarios. It concludes with policy guidelines for different segments of the transportation system.

Publication Date: December 2018

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Pennsylvania's multimodal long range plan incorporates performance-based planning and includes freight movements in addition to all other modes of transport. This document focuses on three sections, project prioritization, projects, and system performance with sections covering transportation context, multimodal needs, strategies, revenue and funding, and future challenges.

Publication Date: August 2016


Aug 2016

| Plan

Originally published in 2006, Oregon DOT most recently updated this long range plan in 2018 to include performance measures and their vision for reducing GHG emissions. The state is now in the process of updating their LRP, and have published more information on their website.

Publication Date: August 2018



Aug 2018

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Oklahoma's long range plan describes the strategic direction of the state's transportation system development. It considers all modes of transportation and meets the requirements set by MAP-21 and the FAST Act, receiving input from numerous stakeholders. The plan includes ODOT's vision, goals and objectives with performance measures related to each goal area. It identifies and projects the needs and revenues for transportation over the next 25 years, and it details the policies and strategies adopted.

Publication Date: August 2020

| Plan

This draft version of Ohio's 2045 long range plan is expected to be finalized soon after completing a public review period. It presents the current system metrics, identifies seven goals (safety, preservation, efficiency & reliability, mobility& accessibility, economic competitiveness, quality of life, environmental stewardship), provides monitored performance measures, explores future trends, conducts a financial needs assessment, and culminates in a set of strategies and initiatives.

Publication Date: July 2020


Jul 2020

| Plan

North Dakota's long range plan describes seven initiatives to meet their vision, goals, and values for the future of transportation in the state. Each initiative contains several strategies detailing how progress will be made and measured. This plan will soon be replaced by Transportation Connection, North Dakota's long range plan extending to 2045.

Publication Date: November 2012

| Plan

Developed over two years, the 2040 plan united technical analyses with public outreach to capture the future needs and goals for the state's transportation system. Six goal areas guide the plan; these are the improvement and promotion of economic opportunity, transparency, modal systems, environmental system viability, diversity and mobility, and security of residents and economy. The plan covers the trends in transportation, the funding needs, and revenue alternatives. It ends with a strategic plan and three sets of recommendations to lead North Carolina towards the transportation system it desires. In 2018, work began on the NC 2050 long range plan, and it should be expected for release in late 2020.

Publication Date: August 2012


North Carolina
Aug 2012

| Plan

Adopted in 2006, New York's long range plan updates their 1996 plan with their vision for transportation through 2030. The plan is aligned around five themes deemed important by the transportation users: mobility and reliability, safety, security, environmental sustainability, and economic competitiveness.This plan includes trends for demographics, economics, travel patterns and energy, and it presents them within the perspective of the future transportation system. The plan also describes the funding sources and needs from 2005 to 2030. Published before MAP-21 and the FAST Act, this long range plan does not have the distinct performance measures expected in modern plans.

Publication Date: July 2006

| Plan

First and foremost, this long range plan seeks to provide transparency and accountability to New Mexico's transportation operations. It meets the federal requirements set by MAP-21, and it outlines strategies, performance measures, and funding distributions established to meet each of its five goals. The other four goals are safety, asset preservation and maintenance, multimodal access, and the protection of New Mexico's culture, environment, history and quality of life.

Publication Date: September 2015


New Mexico
Sep 2015

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The New Jersey long range transportation plan describes the state of transportation in NJ, it predicts trends for the future of transportation, and it provides policy directions for how to achieve the state's goals. Working with key partners and public survey, the NJ plan encapsulates the needs and ideas of transportation users from across the state. As of February 2020, this plan is currently under development, and a new draft is expected soon.

Publication Date: October 2008


New Jersey
Oct 2008

| Plan

This plan directs New Hampshire towards its future vision for transportation. It focuses around four strategic outcomes: unify transportation planning and investment with broader state goals and actions; integrate planning and investment decision-making across all transportation modes, facilities, and services; increase investment in the areas of transportation infrastructure preservation and maintenance, travel demand management, and travel choices; and establish new, more effective collaborative partnerships to better leverage resources and to achieve long term goals.

Publication Date: July 2010


New Hampshire
Jul 2010

| Plan

The Nevada long range plan establishes a framework for making informed decisions around transportation investment for Nevada's metropolitan planning organizations, regional transportation commissions, local governments, modal transportation providers, and NDOT. It supports six goal areas which include enhancing safety, preserving infrastructure, optimizing mobility, transforming economies, fostering sustainability, and connecting communities. This plan was first published in 2018 and received minor updates in 2020 to reflect the wishes of the new administration.

Publication Date: February 2020


Feb 2020

| Plan

The Nebraska DOT LRP outlines the state's objectives across four key goal areas: safety, mobility, environmental stewardship, and coordinating and cooperation. It defines performance measures for each of these goal areas and describes specific objectives. Though this long range plan was published in 2012, the most recent update occurred in 2018, adding safety performance measures required by the FAST Act.

Publication Date: June 2018

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Montana's long range plan was first adopted in 1995, and most recently updated in 2017. It details the state's transportation policy direction a 20-year horizon and guides decision-making. The long range plan collects information about the transportation assets in addition to surveys and public comments to address the current and future transportation needs.

Publication Date: November 2017


Nov 2017

| Plan

This long range plan consists of five Technical Memos guiding the performance measures and investment decisions for Missouri's transportation system. The first memo provides an overview of the state's goals, objectives and performance measures. The second and third memos describe the transportation system and the trends it faces, especially growing population and declining revenues. The penultimate memo dives into autonomous and connected vehicle technology and the efforts of Missouri to anticipate this technology. Lastly, the fifth memo outlines the transportation funding and needs.

Publication Date: June 2018


Jun 2018

| Plan

The 2045 Mississippi Unified Long-Range Transportation Infrastructure Plan is currently in progress, and the previous MULTIPLAN 2040 is no longer accessible over the internet. The final draft of the plan is undergoing revision and an environmental impact study is being conducted, so the public review period is expected to begin soon.

Publication Date: October 2020


Oct 2020

| Plan

This long range plan describes Minnesota's goals for multimodal transportation through 2036. Based on the family of plans under the umbrella of Minnesota GO, the state's vision for transportation, the long range plan presents a unified approach to transportation management. Throughout the development of the long range plan, Minnesota DOT relies on a series of national, state and local partners as well as public engagement. It closes with recommended policies, strategies, and a detailed work plan.

Publication Date: January 2017

| Plan

This plan is a continuation and update of the 2005-2030 long range transportation plan which outlines the trends, demographic changes, and initiatives which guide transportation investments until 2035. As a part of the 2035 update, additional white papers and technical and strategic reports were also written which contain specific details on the goals and strategies of the MI Transportation Plan.

Michigan is currently updating their long-range plan. The new plan should be released as a draft in early 2021 with a final copy expected in July 2021.

Publication Date: September 2012

| Plan

The Massachusetts long range plan, weMove Massachusetts, is no longer available on the agency's website.

Publication Date: May 2014



May 2014

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The 2040 Maryland Transportation Plan begins with an overview of the state's five regions and transportation trends before addressing the upcoming challenges and needs. To overcome the challenges and surpass the needs, the plan outlines an exhaustive set of performance measures tied to the DOT goals. Finally, the plan describes the implementation plan through numerous objectives, related strategies, and example projects.

Publication Date: January 2019


Jan 2019

| Plan

This plan seeks to meet the needs of Maine's multimodal transportation system over a twenty-year period. It highlights five strategic goals: safety, sustainability, economic vitality, quality of life, and public awareness and participation. It is a resource designed to aid organizations and communities in planning for the transportation system into the future, especially when facing funding shortages.

In 2018, Maine DOT began to visualize the next iteration of their long range plan. While the final version of the new plan was anticipated by the end of 2019, it is still undergoing revision. To check on the state of the new plan go to this link.

Publication Date: July 2010

| Plan

A culmination of discussions with communities and other stakeholders, Louisiana's long range plan analyzes the state of the Louisiana transportation system including its condition, performance, and funding needs. The result of these analyses is a set of policy and strategy recommendations to guide the state through to 2044. The plan is multimodal, giving consideration to ports, waterways, aviation, freight, and transit as well as highways and automobile traffic.

Publication Date: December 2015


Dec 2015

| Plan

This plan defines two sets of goals, project goals and process goals, which combine to form the framework for Kentucky's transportation investment decisions through 2035. The plan provides descriptions of the state's demographic trends, current transportation system, future vision, and finally the application performance-based planning to support the framework.

Publication Date: January 2014

| Plan

Kansas's long range plan provides a vision and framework for the transportation system until 2030. It is guided by three primary principles: system preservation, safer travel, and economic growth. Dealing with the challenges caused by funding shortages and a need to transition to more adaptive decision-making, the long range plan concludes by outlining a series of system-wide recommendations. Most of these recommendations originate from stakeholder meetings conducted by Kansas DOT.

In August 2019, Kansas DOT released a memo briefly describing their plan to update their long range transportation plan and extend the horizon to 2045. Until the new plan is released, the most up-to-date plan is this one from 2008.

Publication Date: June 2008

| Plan

This plan considers the current trends, the priorities of Iowa DOT, and the condition of the system to formulate a set of strategies and improvements to guide Iowa's transportation investment through 2045. It also includes an analysis of the funding needs and challenges facing transportation in Iowa, and it describes how the state plans to monitor their performance.

Publication Date: February 2020


Feb 2020

| Plan

This plan sets Indiana's long-term goals and establishes transportation asset performance measures to track and meet current and future demands. Its primary purpose is to ensure the state's transportation system will meet the system needs in 2045, and it achieves this by constructing policy plans to guide development over the next 20-plus years. The plan aligns with Indiana DOT's goals of safe and secure travel, system preservation, economic vitality, multimodal mobility, environmental responsibility, new technology, and strategic policy actions.

Publication Date: June 2019

| Plan

This plan outlines the policy framework to address multimodal system development in Illinois. It centers around the five performance goals of economy, livability, mobility, resiliency, and stewardship and defines performance measures to track progress.

Publication Date: August 2020

| Plan

Idaho's long range plan focuses on providing safety, mobility and economic opportunity for its citizens across all modes of transportation through 2040. Chapter I provides an overview of the state highways and local roads as well as the changes since the last long range plan in 2010. Chapter II discusses the state's plan for multi-modal planning. Then Chapter III dives into the data and analytics, while Chapter IV explores new and emerging technologies. Finally, Chapter V outlines the implementation plan.

Publication Date: February 2019

| Plan

This plan provides a comprehensive assessment of Hawaii's regional transportation needs, offers potential solutions, and establishes priorities for the utilization of the state's limited resources. It covers all multimodal land transportation modes including freight, transit, pedestrian, vehicle and bicycle.

Publication Date: July 2014

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Georgia's 2040 long range plan outlines the state investment policies for all modes of transportation. The plan analyzes and forecasts the transportation issues and investment needs facing the state over the next twenty-five years. It finishes with a set of strategic investment recommendations. Georgia's long range plan is currently being updated, with a final report anticipated by the end of 2020 which would extend the plan's vision to 2050.

Publication Date: January 2016

| Plan

Florida's long range plan consists of four distinct parts: Vision Element, Policy Element, Implementation Element, and Performance Element. At present, Florida is updating their plan, with each of these elements in different stages. The Vision Element, last updated in May 2020, elaborates on the state's vision and goals and how they relate to the system's trends and uncertainties. The most recent Policy Element is from 2015, and it explains how Florida plans to meet their objectives. The Implementation Element is continually updated as a web-based application and it provides short-term actions and progress towards their complete vision. Lastly, the Performance Element, unavailable on the FTP website, emphasizes the federally require performance measures for safety, asset condition, and mobility.

Publication Date: May 2020


May 2020

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DC's long range plan describes a policy framework and an implementation plan to meet their goals and future vision of the city. Of utmost priority to DC is the creation of a healthier and sustainable system, citywide accessibility and mobility, neighborhood accessibility and connectivity, safety, public spaces, preservation, and funding and financing. This distinctly multimodal plan incorporates all modes of travel and strives to serve all areas of the District equitably. DC is currently updating their long-range plan, with a final plan expected in summer 2021.

Publication Date: October 2014


District of Columbia
Oct 2014

| Plan

Delaware's long range plan emphasizes the application of innovative tools and new technologies and the development of an enhanced multimodal system of bike, pedestrian, and transit facilities. The plan consists of three parts. The first part provides an overview of the network and the future vision, the second part describes Delaware's strategies for meeting their targets, and the final part explores new and innovative technologies.

Publication Date: May 2019


May 2019

| Plan

This long range plan presents a framework to aid Connecticut in their decision making process for the near- and long-term. It includes an assessment of the current system, financial analyses, and ultimately strategies to meet the agency's goals and vision. CTDOT relied on partners in the public and private sectors and throughout their communities to develop this document. It addresses all transportation modes: highways, bridges, rail, bus, airports, ports, urban systems, and regional trails as well as the distinct needs of people in freight, active, and public transport.

Publication Date: March 2018

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Colorado DOT's long range transportation plan illustrates the department's vision for the next twenty-five years with an emphasis on three goal areas: mobility, safety and asset management. Within each of the goal areas, CDOT identifies actions they must take to reach their goals based on needs identified in stakeholder surveys. The plan draft is currently out for public review.

Publication Date: June 2020


Jun 2020

| Plan

The California Transportation Plan 2050 focuses on developing a transportation system which supports communities, advances racial and economic justice, and improves public and environmental health across California. After an analysis of the current trends and conditions, the plan details fourteen recommendations for achieving their 2050 goals and outlines the next steps in implementation. In addition to the main plan document, five other elements contribute to the development and results: Strategies Element, Technical Analysis Element, Plan Development Element, Financial Element, and Implementation Element.

Publication Date: August 2020


Aug 2020

| Plan

Arkansas's long range plan uses performance-based planning to evaluate the state's progress towards their long term transportation vision and goals. It includes analysis on all modes of transportation, including highways, bridges, public transit, rail, bicycle, pedestrian, ports, waterways and aviation. The plan analyzes the state of the transportation system and current trends to forecast the investment needs out to 2040. It culminates in a data-driven policy framework which aligns with the priorities of Department of Transportation's Strategic Plan.

Publication Date: July 2017

| Plan

This long range plan presents Arizona's Recommended Investment Choice (RIC), a policy defining the intended investment levels for preservation, modernization and expansion of the Arizona highway system. The RIC is developed from an understanding of ADOT's vision and goals, the current highway trends and conditions, and an analysis of forecasted funding and investment needs.

Publication Date: February 2018


Feb 2018

| Plan

Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement

Alaska's long range transportation plan establishes the state's policies and priorities for transportation investment through 2036. It replaces the previous long range plan from 2008 and meets the Federal requirements of MAP-21 and the FAST Act. The plan defines a framework for balancing the development, preservation, operation and maintenance of different transportation modes for urban and rural communities across the state. The broad policies, goals and actions outlined in this plan feed into the detailed regional and metropolitan improvement programs.

Publication Date: December 2016

Publisher: Alaska DOT


Dec 2016

| Plan

Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement

The Alabama DOT long-range plan outlines the state's transportation needs, finances and policies to 2040. It is a multimodal plan, evaluating not only the roads and bridges, but also the transit, freight, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, rail, aviation and waterways. The plan provides a macro-level assessment of the current and estimated future travel conditions, and then focuses on Alabama's policies and strategies for achieving their agency goals.

Publication Date: July 2017

Publisher: Alabama DOT