Let’s Keep Moving 2036: Policy Plan

Let's Keep Moving 2036: Policy Plan

Alaska's long range transportation plan establishes the state's policies and priorities for transportation investment through 2036. It replaces the previous long range plan from 2008 and meets the Federal requirements of MAP-21 and the FAST Act. The plan defines a framework for balancing the development, preservation, operation and maintenance of different transportation modes for urban and rural communities across the state. The broad policies, goals and actions outlined in this plan feed into the detailed regional and metropolitan improvement programs.

LRTP Performance Measures:
  • Fatality and Serious Injury
  • Pavement and Bridge Condition
  • Reliability
  • non-SOV
  • Emissions

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Plan
Management Processes: Performance Based Planning & Programming, Strategic Direction, Target Setting
Alaska DOT

Publication Year:

External Link

Related Sites
TPM Portal