Leveraging Data in Risk and Performance Management for Better Employee Safety Outcomes - TxDOT | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyTexas Department of Transportation's Monica Aleman-Smoot, Lead Enterprise Risk Prevention and Management Program and Jim Padilla, Lead Transportation Performance Management Program, present on how Texas is "Leveraging Data in Risk and Performance Management for Better Employee Safety Outcomes".
Systemic Safety Countermeasures and Collaborative Approaches at GDOT | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyKelli Roberts, PE State Safety Program Manager and Ron Knezevich, PE State Safety Engineering Supervisor present on Georgia DOT's systemic safety countermeasures and collaborative approach to safety.
Oklahoma Safety Performance Measures | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyTara L Cullum, ODOT Deputy Chief Innovation Officer, presents on Oklahoma's safety performance measures.
SR 85 Road Safety Assessment MP 58.5-80.5 — Leveraging Drone Technology at ADOT | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyDaniel Oldham, PE, Ph.D. Arizona Department of Transportation SHSP/RSA Engineering Specialist, presents on ADOT's use of drones in conducting an RSA.
Kansas' Drive To Zero | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyVanessa Spartan, AICP, RSP KDOT, Chief of Transportation Safety, presents on Kansas' Drive To Zero.
INDOT Safety Performance Management | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyJeremy Hunter, P.E. Managing Director of Asset Management, INDOT presents on their Safety Performance Management Program.
Applying the Safe System Approach in Michigan | VideoWebinar/Video
Garrett Dawe, P.E. Engineer of Traffic & Safety of Michigan Department of Transportation presents on their Safe System approach.
Performance Metrics in UDOT's HSIP Program | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyJeff Lewis of UDOT gives a presentation on their Performance Metrics in UDOT's HSIP Program (UDOT Traffic & Safety).
Safety Assessment for Every Roadway SAFER | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyJon Nelson, a Missouri DOT’s State Highway Safety and Traffic Engineer, presents on MODOT's SAFER program.
TPM Webinar #23 Case Studies: The Next Generation of Continuous Improvement Methodologies | VideoWebinar/Video
Environment, Organizational ManagementThe next generation of continuous improvement methodologies is transforming transportation agencies’ approaches to driving positive organizational change. By leveraging data analytics, integrating technology, and advancing delivery, agencies can promptly respond to changes and enhance overall performance. This webinar explored how State DOTs are using new methods of attaining higher productivity, quality, safety, and customer satisfaction. In this webinar, agency continuous improvement professionals shared how their innovations are enhancing their agencies’ outcomes.
Presenters represent national Focus Innovations selected from AASHTO Innovation Management, and included:
John Kronholm, Colorado DOT – Wildlife Underpass Sizing
Kalli Wegren, Colorado DOT – GIS Potholes Field Map & GeoHub Layer
Mark Kilian, Arizona DOT – Remote-Controlled Skid Steer
Resource from the webinar include:
- AASHTO 2024 Conference on Data Management & Analytics, Planning, and Performance-Based Management, September 17-20, 2024, Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch, St. Louis, MO. Registration Page: https://cvent.me/ZBGm3r
- AASHTO 2024 Conference on Data Management & Analytics, Planning, and Performance-Based Management Conference Site: https://web.cvent.com/event/0d0ef108-bca4-4f5c-acbf-f7565de48825/websitePage:33bb36ed-69a1-42a4-85e6-6b25fb660a71
- A repository of CDOT’s Research Reports is located at: https://www.codot.gov/programs/research/reports/
AASHTO CPBM/TPM TSP Joint Quarterly Meeting – Q2 2024 | VideoWebinar/Video
This meeting’s feature topic was “AASHTO Safety Action Plan & Implementing Safety Performance Strategies.”
Christos Xenophontos from the Rhode Island DOT kicked off this quarterly meeting with a welcome and agenda overview. Then we heard updates from Anna McLaughlin from AASHTO and Mshadoni Smith-Jackson from FHWA.
Next, a representative from AASHTO provided an overview and status of the AASHTO Safety Action Plan, which aims to share innovative tools, best practices, policies, and resources among states to consistently incorporate safety into program, project, and data-driven decisions.
Then Jonathan Nelson from Missouri DOT talked about the agency’s SAFER Program. MoDOT can influence crash outcomes by designing roadways and implementing safety features to prevent crashes or minimize their consequences. Engineering solutions are a key part of the safe system approach to eliminate traffic fatalities.
The session wrapped with updates from the following CPBM groups: Policy & Rulemaking Work Group, Research Work Group, Task Force on Emerging Performance Areas, Subcommittee on Organizational Management, Subcommittee on Risk Management, and Subcommittee on Asset Management.
TPM Webinar #22: Reflections on Performance Management - Looking Back to Look Forward | VideoWebinar/Video
Transportation Performance Management has undergone significant changes in the past few decades. It has gone from being an approach used by agencies to track their level of service, program, and project delivery at a statewide level to incorporating federally mandated tracking and reporting on infrastructure, safety, and system performance.
This webinar held a conversation with current and former leaders of Transportation Performance Management (TPM). Panelists shared their successes, learnings, and war stories about the implementation of TPM. They also discussed their hopes for the next phase of TPM and performance-based planning, including sustaining performance management and integrating new and emerging performance areas and community-based performance considerations.
Kirk Steudle, Retired, Michigan DOT, former Chair, AASHTO SCOPM (now CPBM)
Tim Henkel, Retired, Minnesota DOT, former Chair AASHTO CPBM
Christos Xenophontos, Rhode Island DOT, Chair CPBM
Jean Wallace, Minnesota DOT, Vice Chair, CPBM
Deanna Belden, Minnesota DOT, Co-Chair, Task Force on Emerging Measurement Areas, CPBM
William Johnson, Colorado DOT, Co-Chair, Subcommittee on Risk Management, CPBM
Topics covered:
- The development of state-level performance measures, performance-based planning, and management systems
- Successes and challenges from the implementation and integration of federal performance management requirements
- The future of performance management and what's next