AASHTO CPBM/TPM TSP Quarterly Meeting June 2023

AASHTO CPBM/TPM TSP Quarterly Meeting June 2023

The feature topic for this meeting was Significant Progress Determination (SPD) Findings. Christos Xenophontos with the Rhode Island DOT kicked off this quarterly meeting with a warm welcome and agenda overview. Then we'll hear updates from AASHTO and FHWA. In the feature presentation, Kelly Morton with FHWA shared SPD findings on safety. Additionally, FHWA presented SPD findings from the NHPP & NHFP Analysis.

The meeting featured updates from the following groups: System Mobility and Emerging Technology (SMET) Joint Subcommittee, Policy and Rulemaking Work Group, Research Work Group, Professional Development and Technical Services Coordinating Subcommittee, Task Force on Emerging Performance Areas, Organizational Management Subcommittee, Risk Management Subcommittee, and the Asset Management Subcommittee.

Action Items:

  • Contact Christos or Jean by 6-22 if interested in any of the Co-Chair openings (Policy & Rulemaking, Risk Management, System Mobility and Emerging Technologies)
  • Save the date for the TPM Peer Exchange and Annual CPBM Business meeting on Sept 11-13 at Colorado DOT in Denver
  • Sign up for the AASHTO TPM TSP (technical services program) which starts again on July 1 – contact Kyla from AASHTO if interested
  • Register by June 8 to get a discount to attend the TRB TAM Conference, July 8-11 in Boston
  • Consider being a panel member on an NCHRP research project, volunteer at:https://volunteer.mytrb.org/Panel/AvailableProjects
  • Take advantage and share resources / training/ webinars developed by the TPM Pooled Fund at: The TPM Portal (tpm-portal.com) or the The TAM Portal (tam-portal.com)
    Identify others in your agency who can participate in an AASHTO Subcommittee, Workgroup or Task Force– anyone from your organization can participate!
  • The SMET Joint Subcommittee would also like to highlight an open leadership position for the role of Vice Chair/Co-Vice Chair. See the attached position posting and contact SMET Joint Subcommittee Chair Daniella Bremmer if you have any questions or interest in the role.