Considerations in Managing Pavements and Bridges in Fair Condition

Considerations in Managing Pavements and Bridges in Fair Condition

The report, created by the Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group (TAM ETG), addresses the concerns of agencies facing a rise in the proportion of their pavement and bridge networks deteriorating to Fair condition. The TAM ETG members identified the factors contributing to this situation and initiated discussions emphasizing the importance of managing this increasing percentage of their networks based on TAM principles. The findings from these discussions form the basis of this document, which aims to: provide State and local transportation agencies with an understanding of why prioritizing investments in assets in Fair condition is more effective than heavily investing in those in Poor condition, and encourage the adoption of more proactive lifecycle planning in investment decisions.

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Research Report
FHWA Office of Stewardship, Oversight and Management

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TAM Portal