Idaho Transportation Department Performance Measures

Idaho Transportation Department Performance Measures

Idaho Transportation Department presents 11 selected performance measures to provide insight into the condition of the public assets. Their measures are:

  • Five Year Fatality Rate per 100 Million Vehicle Miles
Percent of Time Highways Clear of Snow/Ice During Winter Storms
Percent of Pavement in Good or Fair Condition
Percent of Bridges in Good Condition
Percent of Highway Project Designs Completed On or Ahead of Time
Final Construction Cost as a Percent of Contract Award
Construction Cost at Award as a Percent of Budget
Days to Process Vehicle Titles
DMV Transactions Processed on the Internet (in thousands)

On the dashboard homepage, users can easily see the current progress ITD has made on their selected performance measures. After clicking on any of the measures, they can view more information on the measure (including how and why it is measured) and trends over time.

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Website
Capabilities: Communication, Data & Information Systems, Tools & Technology
Management Processes: Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Reporting & Communication, Target Setting

Publication Year:

External Link

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TPM Portal