Managing Unspent Federal Metropolitan Planning Funds

Managing Unspent Federal Metropolitan Planning Funds

MnDOT and other state departments of transportation (DOTs) distribute federal funds from Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration—PL funds and 5303 funds, respectively—to metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to support the MPOs’ metropolitan planning activities. There are times when an MPO may be unable to spend all of the federal funds it receives in a fiscal year, which can result in carryover funds. MnDOT is considering a change in its current practice to permit MPOs to carry over federal planning funding for up to five years. To inform possible changes in MnDOT’s management of unspent federal metropolitan planning funds, this Transportation Research Synthesis uses a survey of selected state DOTs to gather information about other states’ policies and practices in permitting and managing carryover funds, including MPO and DOT actions, and the benefits and drawbacks of these practices.

Resource Types: Research Report
Minnesota Department of Transportation

Publication Year:

Report Number:
TRS 1701

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