Manual for Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Orthotropic Steel Deck Bridges
This Manual covers the relevant issues related to orthotropic steel deck bridge engineering, including analysis, design, detailing, fabrication, testing, inspection, evaluation, and repair. It includes a discussion of some the various applications of orthotropic bridge construction to provide background with case study examples. It also provides basic criteria for the establishment of a cost-effective and serviceable orthotropic bridge cross section with detailing geometry that has been used on recent projects worldwide. The manual covers both the relevant information necessary for the engineering analysis of the orthotropic steel bridge and the requirements for complete design of orthotropic steel bridge superstructures. Additionally, design details such as materials, corrosion protection, minimum proportions, and connection geometry are addressed as well as basic fabrication, welding, and erection procedures. Portions of the manual also cover methods for maintaining and evaluating orthotropic bridges, including inspection and load rating. Wearing surfaces are also covered in depth. The culmination of all the information is demonstrated in two design examples.
Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets
Resource Types: Guide/Manual