Pavement Management Systems Peer Exchange Program Report
This report summarizes the use of pavement management tools to support agency decisions in UDOT and Mn/DOT, provides tips for procuring new pavement management software, and identifies institutional issues that must be addressed to make the most of a pavement management program. It closes with a summary of the key factors influencing the successful pavement management practices in UDOT and Mn/DOT, which include the following considerations: Consistency in the pavement management personnel operating the system; The use of quality data so the pavement management program provides reliable recommendations; A strong relationship with the software providers so any issues that arise can be addressed immediately; A commitment to pavement management concepts throughout the organization; The involvement of pavement management stakeholders in decisions regarding changes to the analysis models; The use of software tools that are flexible enough to adapt to the changing environment in which they must operate. The strong pavement management programs in each of the host agencies have resulted in improvements in the quality of information used to make investment decisions. Both Mn/DOT and UDOT have been able to use their pavement management information to effectively revise investment priorities during periods in which competition for available funding has increased. As a result, both agencies have established strategic plans that increase the emphasis on system preservation and align their project and treatment selection process in accordance with those plans.
Infrastructure Assets: Highway Assets, Pavement