This report explains why road network asset managers are concerned with understanding and quantifying the remaining life of key components of road infrastructure assets, especially road pavements and bridges. The issues in estimating remaining life are reviewed. Current practices of the major road authorities in Australia and New Zealand in estimating remaining life of road pavements and bridges are discussed. Common terms such as design life, design period, useful life, economic life, functional life, and financial life are discussed. The report outlines the experience of the Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW in estimating the life of rigid pavements, and contains two case studies. University of Texas research findings on estimation of the remaining life of continuously reinforced concrete pavements are summarised. For bridges, this report discusses deterioration, highlights the need for standardisation in the approach to recording condition and maintenance history, and summarises recent bridge management initiatives by VicRoads. (a)
Capabilities: Tools & Technology
Management Processes: Performance Reporting & Communication, Resource Allocation