Resource Set: Return on Investment in Transportation Asset Management Systems and Practices (NCHRP Report 866)
This resource set contains the ROI spreadsheet tool, a couple related presentations, and the NCHRP Report 866.
Performance Areas:
Infrastructure Assets:
Management Processes:
Agency Functions:
Agency Types:
Return on Investment in Asset Management Systems and Practices | Document
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis report presents guidelines to transportation agencies for the management of their assets related to return on investment. The details in the report rely upon the work conducted by the research team and their experiences. It is published alongside a spreadsheet tool which helps agencies evaluate their simulations of return on investment for TAM.
Return on Investment in Asset Management Systems and Process Improvements | Presentation
Bridge, PavementThis presentation describes the calculation tool developed as part of NCHRP 20-100. It provides an overview of the NCHRP Report 866 and highlights the tool's case studies and pilot.
ROI Spreadsheet Tool – NCHRP Report 866 | Tool
System PerformanceNCHRP Report 866: Return on Investment in Transportation Asset Management Systems and Practices presents guidance for estimating the ROI for adopting or expanding TAM systems within a transportation agency. The report is accompanied by an interactive spreadsheet tool, designed to support ROI analysis of a TAM system or business process improvement.
The report and tool are available from the website here.
An accompanying presentation is available here.
Framework and Case Studies for Calculating the Return on Investment for Transportation Asset Management Systems and Process Improvements | Presentation
This presentation is a case study of NCHRP Project 20-100, which sought to assess the investments made and returns realized by agencies that have adopted TAM systems. It then provides a framework for calculation of return on investment for transportation asset management. It concludes with final comments on the relevance and application of this research in the future.