TPM Toolbox

Resource Set: TPM Toolbox

| Website

Accessibility, Asset Management, Bridge, Economy, Emissions, Environment, Freight, Mobility, Pavement, Safety, System Performance

The tools available from the FHWA TPM Toolbox are intended to assist staff from transportation agencies in learning about and implementing TPM practices. The TPM Guidebook and Resources tools enable you to learn more about TPM: the Guidebook uses case studies and illustrative examples to demonstrate how performance management results in improved decision-making through better-informed planning, programming, monitoring and reporting.

The TPM Capability Maturity Model Self-Assessment is a tool for identifying logical next steps for strengthening TPM processes. It allows users to assess current TPM capabilities and identify actions to improve those capabilities. The assessment results are linked to the TPM Guidebook in order to provide clear practical actionable steps that state DOT leadership, management, and staff can implement to enhance performance-management practices. The User Guide has more information on getting started with the Toolbox.

Information within the Toolbox is geared towards both state and local transportation agencies.

Publication Date: June 2015

Publisher: FHWA & AASHTO


Jun 2015

| Guide/Manual, Research Report

Accessibility, Asset Management, Bridge, Economy, Emissions, Environment, Freight, Mobility, Pavement, Safety, System Performance

This research project produced a guidebook that provides a comprehensive framework for implementing TPM practices, assess current TPM capabilities and identify actions to improve upon those capabilities. It includes case studies and illustrative examples to demonstrate how performance management results in improved decision-making. The guide also has an assessment feature that provides results linked to clear practical actionable steps for state DOT leadership, management, and staff to enhance performance-management practices.

Publication Date: June 2015

Publisher: FHWA