Scott Zainhofsky
Planning/Asset Management Division Director, North Dakota DOT
Scott Zainhofsky is the Planning/Asset Management Division Engineer for the North Dakota DOT. He has held several positions both in the central office and a district office of the Department. Currently, Scott has the pleasure of leading a great team whose responsibilities include: long-range and modal planning, cross-asset investment analysis, pavement management, infrastructure data management, rail safety programs, mapping, system performance reporting and management, traffic data, and federal grant acquisition. He has been a registered Professional Engineer in the state of North Dakota since June 2002 and holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of North Dakota. Scott is married to Christy; they have two teenage children, Miranda and Trevor, and a dog, Maddie, that is just shy of being a third child to most of the family. Photography is a passion that Scott shares with his daughter.