The Multiple Objective Decision Analysis Tool (MODAT)
The Multiple Objective Decision Analysis Tool (MODAT) helps prioritize candidate investments (projects) based on their performance considering a range of different objectives. The features of the tool can be accessed on the menu on the left side of the screen. To get started, first define a set of measures and objectives, then enter data on candidate projects to be prioritized. Once you have entered data you can conduct an analysis to prioritize projects using one of two different methods, and determine which projects would be funded based on the priorities and a specified overall budget. To visualize the results of an analysis, select “Visualize” from the menu.
Featured in the Following Resource Set(s):
Multi-Objective Decision Analysis (MODA) | Resource Set
Case Studies in Cross-Asset, Multi-Objective Resource Allocation (NCHRP Report 921) | Guide/Manual, Research Report