TAM Webinar 6: Addressing Asset Preservation and Maintenance in Asset Management Plans
This webinar presents practical information on the place of asset preservation and maintenance within a transportation asset management plan (TAMP). A summary of the 2013 FHWA Asset Management Peer Exchange in Burlington, VT will provide an overview of DOT experiences developing, implementing, and updating a TAMP – with a focus on the role of asset preservation and maintenance. Webinar speakers offer their perspective on how a TAMP helps drive improved performance in the areas of asset preservation and maintenance.
Performance Areas:
Safety, System Performance
Infrastructure Assets:
Bridge, Pavement
Management Processes:
Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Based Planning & Programming, Performance Reporting & Communication, Risk Management
Agency Functions:
Deliver, Maintain, Operate, Plan, Policy
Data & Information Systems, Tools & Technology
Agency Types:
MPO, National/Federal, State DOT