Operations Performance Management Primer

Operations Performance Management Primer: From Performance Measures to Performance Management

The purpose of this Primer is to orient transportation practitioners in State Departments of Transportation (DOT), Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), and other transportation agencies to the principles and practices of Operations Performance Measures and Management (OPMM). OPMM aims to support continuous improvement in the practice of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO), a set of strategies that focus on operational strategies that improve the transportation system. OPMM includes traditional operations performance measurement practices while incorporating the Transportation Performance Management (TPM) principles for TSMO programs. OPMM is a strategic and data-driven approach to making investment and policy decisions to achieve operations goals. OPMM provides a basis for making sound TSMO investment decisions by state DOTs and MPOs.

Infrastructure Assets: ITS
Resource Types: Guide/Manual
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems, Tools & Technology
Management Processes: Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Based Planning & Programming, Strategic Direction
Federal Highway Administration

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Related Sites
TPM Portal