Developing Human Capital and Organizational Culture to Support Asset Management

Resource Set: Developing Human Capital and Organizational Culture to Support Asset Management

This resource set covers the topic of human capital and organizational culture in support of TAM. It contains a video presentation and a white paper, both by the FHWA TAM Expert Task Group.

Organization & People

| Video

This presentation focuses on the training necessary for adequate performance management at State DOTs and the advantages of a stable culture can provide. Ideally, a team works synergistically to produce a product greater than the sum of its part. However, this becomes possible only when the members of the team possess diverse and varied skillsets. The video slides are available here.

Publication Date: August 2016

Publisher: AASHTO

| Research Report

Effective asset management is an inherently multi-disciplinary endeavor. This paper discusses some of the critical disciplines and skills that can help develop or sustain asset management programs in transportation organizations. The information contained in this briefing paper was prepared at the request of the Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group (TAM ETG).

Publication Date: January 2016

Publisher: AASHTO