Defining Cross-Asset Decision Making

Resource Set: Defining Cross-Asset Decision Making

This resource set contains the video presentation and white paper on defining cross-asset decision making. Both resources are from the FHWA TAM Expert Task Group.

Tools & Technology

| Video

This presentation is focused on defining and explaining cross-asset decision making. This is the idea that investments are allocated by analyzing the perceived needs of multiple programs and asset classes and are distributed based upon the simultaneous quantified prioritization of utility. It focuses on three types–benefit/cost analysis, multi-criteria decision analysis, and risk/reward-based. The presentation slides are available here.

Publication Date: July 2016

Publisher: TRB

| Marketing/Communications, Research Report

This paper briefly examines some of the concepts around optimization and cross-asset allocations or tradeoffs. As transportation organizations refine their management processes many are increasingly looking to cross-asset tradeoffs and optimization as the next generation of innovation to improve their transparency, credibility, and decision-making. The information contained in this discussion paper was prepared at the request of the Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group (TAM ETG).

Publication Date: September 2015

Publisher: AASHTO