Resource Allocation Logic Framework to Meet Highway Asset Preservation (NCHRP Report 736)

Resource Set: Resource Allocation Logic Framework to Meet Highway Asset Preservation (NCHRP Report 736)

This resource set includes the NCHRP Report and spreadsheet tool developed by Booz Allen Hamilton to help agencies allocate resources to ensure network preservation.

Infrastructure Assets:
Bridge, Pavement
Management Processes:
Resource Allocation
Tools & Technology
Agency Types:
State DOT

| Tool

This tool is a set of four Excel spreadsheets designed to guide users through the optimization framework for allocating resources across different assets to ensure system preservation. The four spreadsheets contain a Baseline scenario as well as three additional scenarios as described in the NCHRP Report 736. This tool was developed by the team and then refined with assistance from practitioners through DOT workshops.

Publication Date: September 2012

| Research Report

Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement

This report presents a logic framework for allocating limited highway asset preservation funds among competing demands to achieve high levels of system performance. The report also presents a spreadsheet-based computational tool that implements the framework. The tool uses linear programming optimization to allocate resources across asset classes or geographic regions, subject to constraints that typically must be considered in such decisionmaking, to achieve target asset performance or condition levels. Prototypical application scenarios and case-study examples illustrate how transportation agency staff may use the framework to assist resource allocation decisionmaking.

Publication Date: January 2012

Publisher: Transportation Research Board