Christos Xenophontos
Assistant Director, Rhode Island DOT
Christos Xenophontos, Assistant Director for Administrative Services for the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT), has more than 35 years of experience in the Transportation field as an Engineer, Project Manager and Administrator. Christos holds a degree in Civil and Architectural Engineering from the Higher Technical Institute of Cyprus, and a BSc and MSc on Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Rhode Island, USA. He currently leads RIDOT’s Research and Innovation initiatives, and was one of the driving forces behind RIDOT’s research project on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, known as Little Roady. He researched and authored both the RFI and RFP for the pilot project and was the lead Project Manager from Sept. of 2019 to March of 2020 when Little Roady ceased operations due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. As the chair of AASHTO’s Committee on Performance Based Management and chair of the World Road Association’s (PIARC) Technical Committee TC 1.1 Performance of Transport Administrations, he is a champion of organizational excellence, public value creation, and the pursuit of identifying and developing next gen and emerging topics on performance management, such as accessibility, overall mobility, public value, and others.