Alabama DOT TAMP 2020

Alabama DOT TAMP 2020

The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) strives to find innovative and cost-effective approaches for improving the state’s transportation system. The development of ALDOT’s Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is consistent with ALDOT’s desire to make data- driven spending decisions related to its assets. In short, ALDOT puts into practice – both on a regular basis and more specifically through this TAMP effort – the underlying principle of Transportation Asset Management (TAM): better decision making based upon quality information and well-defined objectives. The TAMP will be a central resource for multiple ALDOT Bureaus for asset information, management strategies around those assets, financial sources and forecasting, and business management processes. ALDOT, assisted by DYE Management Group, INC. (DMG), began the TAMP Development process in 2014 and completed its initial TAMP in 2018.

This is ALDOT's second TAMP.

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Plan
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems
Management Processes: Performance Based Planning & Programming, Resource Allocation, Risk Management, Strategic Direction, Target Setting
Publication Year:

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