Effective Methods for Setting Congestion Targets

Effective Methods for Setting Congestion Targets

This workshop on target setting methods covers effective methods for setting targets for non-SOV and peak hour excessive delay. These traffic congestion measures are defined for each designated urbanized area (UZA) specified by the US Census Bureau. A UZA is an area which contains an NHS road, has a population of over 1 million, and contains an area identified as non-attainment or maintenance for ozone, carbon monoxide, or any other particulate matter. The workshop comprises an overview of methods, examples of effective practice from Memphis MPO and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, and a researcher-led discussion. It explores challenges related to coordinating on the UZA-level, identifying quality data, and considering investment impacts.

Performance Areas:
System Performance
Infrastructure Assets:
Highway Assets
Management Processes:
Performance Based Planning & Programming, Performance Reporting & Communication, Target Setting
Agency Functions:
Agency Types:
Agency Locations:
District of Columbia, Tennessee